
Monday, March 19, 2012

Sering Keasyikan Melamun, Pertanda Otak Cerdas

Monday, March 12, 2012

Baby Blues Sindrom

wah dah lama sekali saya gak berkutat dengan blog. kali ini saya ingin membagikan info kepada ibu-ibu muda atau mungkin untuk para remaja bahkan bapak-bapak yang sedang mencari info mengenai baby blues sindrom. Selamat membaca..

Apa, Kenapa & Bagaimana Menanganinya
Masalah yang di alami setelah melahirkan seperti :
"menangis, ditambah tragedi gak bisa ngasih ASI."
"frustasi anak enggak mau tidur , kelelahan, migrain, marah-marah."
"sensitif, sebel ke suami."
"menghadapi omongan ibu mertua."
"menangis, marah, takut bayi meninggal. Empet sebel & merasa jauh dengan suami."
"menangis,  frustasi banget, si kecil gak mau bobo, berdua aja dirumah."
"stress, sakit kepala, anak makin bandel, persoalan dengan suami."
"akibat operasi, bangun tengah malem, bayi nangis melulu, gumoh."
"semua hal jadi tidak memuaskan, kesal, marah, pengen teriak."
"sebel dengan suami, takut untuk ML mengganggu anak."
"aku minta dipulangin ke ortuku sambil nangis."
"nangis, stress bayi kuning,  masalah dengan ibu."
"nangis, sensitif, masalah dengan ibu."
"nangis, sedih, kesel dengan suami."

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Meaning of Lost

Losing is part of human nature that can make a difference in our lives. Meaning can be lost or forged grief and suffering for the quality of fortitude and readiness self. Sense of loss is part of a sense of belonging because of attachment to something or someone. Shows a sense of loss that is not fully intact, feels less without the presence of something or someone. In everyday life, we often come into contact with a sense of loss. Will lose the object, spirit, feelings, self-esteem and mood, loss figure of a person, loss of opportunity or chance of even the fear of losing.
Loss ever experienced by anyone, regardless of differences of things missing, a reaction to the loss, how to respond, cope with and interpret the loss, as well as impacts. Losing a valuable object could mean catastrophe for some, and lose one's figure could mean pain for us. On top of that, losing something or someone can lead to loss of hope and awareness of the conscience (conscience), so that the meaning of loss can alter one's perception of life. Not a few people that make up the meaning and perception of pain and loss as dissolved in it, to lose confidence and meaningfulness of life. Why we feel lost?
Loss grows in the minds and our feelings because of the following meanings, which we often realize after the loss occurred.First, we feel lost because of something or someone who lost a very valuable and meaningful to us. We often find it too late to realize or even realize how precious something and how much it meant
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i'm totally a complicated person, it's so hard to understand me but i am what i am? and i prefer like me not because my phisical appearance or anything but simply,because me is me..

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