
Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Healing from bipolar disorder is fully possible!

What are pharmaceuticals afraid of? We 're talking about billions of dollars here! Yes the pharmaceutical industry is big money! So what are the natural remedies do to against these industry giants? How can the vitamin peole stand up against multi million dolars businesses?

Yes natural remedies do really cure most sickness if you 1) look at the root problem and 2) find the reason why you are sick instead of treting symptoms! 3) have patience for the natural remedy to work. Because natural remedies do not work as medication, meds take away symptoms right away, but do not cure. Orthomolecular medicine cures you, but it lets the body do the cure by strengthening the immune system and completing the missing nutrients nessesary for good health.

Yes vitamins can take away not only your symptoms, but the root cause of the problem, and you can have your sickness completely healed! Yes one American out of two takes vitamins!

In fact Doctor Hoffer who has cured people with depression, schizofrenia and adhd for 50 years and who has treated thousands of people who cold go back to work, who could have a normal life again, and who could function perfectly again, just by balancing the brain with orthomolecular doses of vitamin, minerals and amino acids! Quite amazing stuff!

I kow for a fact because i had bipolar disorder for years! I could never get a full time job! I had to have meds everyday to function! Going to emergency rooms, and group therapy! Then i found the natural remedies. I read on Doctor Hoffer's page the testimonies of people who were completely unwell, extremely sick mentally! Who could not even go out of their house! And after a few month on what they were lacking in the brain, taking orthomolecular dosages of vitamins! Boom, they were well again!

I knew that was true! But my journey did not change right away, in fact i had to study more books and find out excactly what i was lacking in the brain and nutritionwise! I tried the 3 gms of vitamin B3 per day, divided in three doses as Doctor Hoffer mentions which works to get 50 percent of bipolars who become completely well after a few months of taking them!

Doctor Hoffer mentions that the longer you have been sick, the longer it gets for you to be well! Dr Hoffer even says that for some patients if took years of taking the vitamins everyday to get well!

Then i tried amino acids, i went to see a naturopath in Orlando, but that did not work. I went to Wichita Kansas, to see Dr Riordan but everytime i got one step closer to the answer! With more knowledge each time on the way to be completely healed! I tried empowerplus, which works quite amazing wonders for many people! But that was not it.

Then i heard of Kelp which regulates the thyroid, and that many people with depression who have a low working thyroid! Then i heard that vitamin C in orthomolecular dosages can also works amazingly! And that was it! I stayed on meds for months after that, then no more!

It has been two years and no more depression, no more bipolar! No more medications since 2 years!In fact i have a massage business in Paris france with 10 employees!

Natural remedies can work for you too! Do your homework, find out the root cause of the problem! Do not stop your meds at once! And you can be well too! There is not a hundred percent chance of you getting well, but there is hope!

You can find out more information at


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